Posts Tagged With: Firestorm

All kind of stuff

First of all, my challenge of running a small shop to try to sell kitten boxes is successfully already. My first box I have sold within a week and it may sound silly but I am pretty much proud of it. Especially since KittyCats released the free Firestorm kitten with added to it a coupon to get a free starter cat. So the timing to open my shop, might not have been so good……although if you decide to start breeding, buying a kitten box from me is cheaper than buying one from KittyCats.

Later today my animals will be expanded more. I just got a breedable bundle from my horses, and when looking at the stats, I think it is going to be a pretty one. I am not going to breed it (yet), but still don’t know what to do with all those breedable bundles I have. Maybe one day I expand my shop and sell the horse bundles too.

Mury, my lemur, is pregnant from her first baby, which will be born somewhere tomorrow. That’s pretty much exciting or maybe more fun for me. They also might be in the shop for sale.








Here you can see the stats of the mom to be, they look good to me……








Mury takes her rest as Lemmy, who is the dad, is eating and enjoys the food. Come to think about, I could not sell their first-born, so it shall be a keeper then.

And also today, I am going to have a newborn kitten box. I am trying to get me a kitten which has 9 traits, the most a kitten can have. Another size than normal is kind of special and a nice gift, but is not considered to be a trait. It never happened to me to get a kitten with more than 7 traits, but I won’t give up! Before giving birth of your kitten box, you can see the traits a newborn has by clicking on the box and then on stats. An example:

2013-09-10 kittenbox
Fur: Ocicat – Blue
Eyes: Odyssey Rainbow (Curious|Small)
Shade: Flair
Tail: Plush
Ears: Genesis
Whiskers: White (Mysterious)

Size: Normal

This box has 7 traits, marked in red. Although the Odyssey Rainbow eyes are a retired trait, so I am not sure if they still count as a trait. Heck, I am still learning and trying to understand the trait business. One thing I know, and is easy too is that everything with Genesis in the name, is not a trait. This box has a real nice kitty, and for me it is a keeper. The parents of this one are about to deliver a new box, and I hope it is going to be a nice one……although all kittens are nice and cute.

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Another challenge for me

In a way it is a challenge, but at the other hand, it also is to get rid of boxes, which are filled up with kittens. Each box I have has one kitten in it, and when I would have bred them all, I am sure I’d be broke in SL by now  :). I have around 90 boxes from my kittens, and luckily they are not in my inventory. KittyCats has a website where you can store your kittens and your boxes, so that they are safe from the SL inventory monster which sometimes make items disappear from your inventory. The website also keeps an ID number from each cat and each box you own, regardless if it is sent to the cattery or if you have your cats walking in SL. Whenever you lose a cat, you can find the ID number of it in the pedigree which also is a part of the website. Then you can file a ticket with the ID of the lost cat and KittyCats takes care of it being retrieved. Image

Anyway, I am getting astray from my ‘challenge’. After thinking about what to do with those boxes, I came to a decision. I could throw them away, but I am not a kind of person doing something like that so quickly. So I decided to set up a small shop and will try to sell my boxes. My kittens do not have so many traits (traits make them more valuable) but they are nice enough for people who wish to have a kitten you can play with, take with you all over SL and cuddle with. They even are nice starters, not all of them, for breeding and maybe their offspring show a trait or traits the parents hide. All my boxes are priced nicely, no one is going to be over 100 Linden, so I hope I am able to sell a view. If I can do that, my ‘challenge’ is a success  :).  My shop is open now and can be found at

Today, KittyCats released a free kitten, which you can pick up at the KittyCats store. The kitten is a perma pet, which means that it does not need food, it does not breed and it never dies. All the other features like playing, walking, talking and cuddling are possible. It really is an awesome gift, and created due to the 3rd year anniversary of Firestorm.

2013-09-03 FirSto_003

It really is a cute kitty and a collectors item. Not meant in the amount of money, but more as something that does not come back. The Firestorm kitten is available from today on until the 10th of September at

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